2024 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR) took place during 16-18 of May 2024 at Cluj-Napoca · Romania.

AQTR 2024 is an international forum for researchers in the field of automation, quality, testing and robotics. It brought together researchers, equipment manufacturers, software developers and end-users to discuss the current trends and future directions of control and testing technologies and their industrial and social applications in the private and the public sectors. Active participation of students and graduate students was also strongly encouraged.

DELPHI project was presented and represented during the event, by its partner NTTDATA Romania.

Mr. Andrei Rusu from NTTDATA Romania, along with Mr Mihai Hulea and Mr. Radu Miron from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Cluj-Napoca, Romania submitted a paper entitled “Optimizing Multi-Modal Transportation in Smart Cities: A Graph-Oriented Database Approach“.

The paper is available here.

The aforementioned paper was also presented during the event by  Mr Mihai Hulea.

The presentation is available here.